Pastor Thomas Ongeya - Sponsor Now

Pastor Thomas Ongeya

Biggest Need

Location Buvuma Island

Pastor Thomas' journey to faith began in the face of immense loss, leaving him and his brother as the lone survivors after 11 siblings were deceased.  This intense loss led him on a 20-hour trek from Arua, a town in northwest Uganda, to Buvuma Island. He planned to meet an uncle who promised him work and payment. Initially, he planned a two-week island stay before returning home, but God had other plans.
Upon arriving, he found himself surprisingly drawn to the role of Bible translator for the Alur people residing on the island, many of whom were unable to read. He sensed God's unmistakable call and conviction to ministry through this unexpected turn. Pastor Thomas attributes his ability to communicate in English and the prevalent local dialect on the island, Luganda, to divine intervention because of his lack of education. His integration into this community was challenging and, initially, he was viewed as an outsider; he encountered resistance and isolation from the locals, who regarded him as suspicious.
Now, his church is a beacon of hope in Kembo, Buvuma Island, where he resides with his wife, Sereputa. They have been married for 27 years and have eight children. After 24 years of unwavering pastoral service on Buvuma Island, Pastor Thomas' impact is profound. He oversees a network of over 400 churches and is affectionately known as 'The Bishop,' a title that reflects God's enduring faithfulness.
Upon learning of the Rural Pastors Institute, Pastor Thomas eagerly expresses his unwavering commitment to this training. His determination is heightened because he's only literate in his native language. He is passionate about equipping future leaders and earnestly desires to deepen his biblical understanding, recognizing the need to move beyond teachings based on personal experience. By investing in Pastor Thomas' training at RPI, you will enable him with solid biblical teaching and valuable leadership skills.

Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at Rural Pastors International.