Pastor Shadrack Byakatonda - Sponsor Now

Pastor Shadrack Byakatonda

Biggest Need

Program Year One Pastoral Training

Location Buvuma Island

Pastor Shadrack was deeply rooted in faith through an upbringing instilled in him by his father. From a young age, his path was set on a trajectory of serving in ministry. With zeal and determination in his early twenties, alongside a devoted friend, they tirelessly worked as mechanics, pooling their resources to acquire land to establish a church. Their endeavor was met with divine favor, and in 2018, Pastor Shadrack embarked on his ministry journey, assuming leadership of a congregation in Bulima on Buvuma Island.
Throughout his six years of pastoral service, Pastor Shadrack has witnessed the transformative power of God firsthand, particularly among the island's youth. He testifies to his profound impact on many young lives, seeing them undergo remarkable personal growth and spiritual transformation under his guidance.
Pastor Shadrack has been married to Kuteesa Edith for seven years, and they've been blessed with three children. Pastor Shadrack's commitment to his calling remains unwavering. Nonetheless, he recognizes the need for further training to enhance his effective ministry to the youth and his ability to nurture the broader church community. He believes that the Rural Pastors Institute can meet this need.
However, his income from mechanic work is insufficient to meet the demands of his growing family, and financial constraints pose a significant obstacle to his pursuit of formal education. Your support can make a tangible difference in his journey, enabling him to access the training and resources necessary to expand his impact and strengthen his ministry. With your support, he can be equipped to navigate the complexities of ministry with biblical foundation, wisdom, and clarity. Your sponsorship makes a significant difference in the lives of men like Pastor Shadrack, allowing them to receive solid biblical teaching and valuable leadership skills.

Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at Rural Pastors International.