Pastor David Mukisa - Sponsor Now

Pastor David Mukisa

Biggest Need

Program Year One Pastoral Training

Pastor David was raised by his father, who was also a pastor. He always intended to follow in his dad’s footsteps. Initially, Pastor David's understanding of salvation was limited to escaping hell, but as he matured in his faith, he gained a deeper understanding of its true meaning. His ministry is situated in Katogwe, Buyende, and he has 13 years of pastoral experience under his belt.

However misguided, Pastor David's measure of ministry success has often been tied to material prosperity. He recalls a significant challenge he faced when he requested financial assistance from his congregation for a project, only to be advised to take out a loan, which he ended up bearing the burden of repaying alone. This financial strain was only compounded by the responsibility of providing for his wife, Juliet to whom he has been married for 20 years, and their 10 children,

Because of this prosperity mindset in the face of various challenges, Pastor David perceived trials as “persecution from the enemy” until he attended training sessions at the Rural Pastors Institute. RPI shed new light on his own deficiencies and misguided ministry expectations. He recognizes his lack of ability to interpret scripture accurately and teach it in accordance with the truth. Despite his desire for further training, financial constraints remain his greatest obstacle. Pastor David wants to lead well as a pastor but lacks a full understanding of leadership based on biblical principles rather than tradition. By investing in Pastor David’s training at the RPI, you will help him further overcome his personal and pastoral challenges and contribute to his development. Your sponsorship makes a significant difference in the lives of men like Pastor David, allowing them to receive solid biblical teaching, family and financial training, and leadership skills. Ultimately, your support can significantly impact Pastor David's journey and change the ministry perspective for him and his congregation.

 Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at Rural Pastors International.