Pastor Fred Waiswa - Sponsor Now

Pastor Fred Waiswa

Biggest Need

Program Year One Pastoral Training

Location Nakisenyi, Kamuli District

Pastor Fred's journey is marked by a triumphant victory over HIV/AIDS, a battle that brought him to the brink of death before he experienced the healing touch of God and surrendered his life to Christ. Today, he serves as a pastor in Nakisenyi, Kamuli district, alongside his wife, Tumwebaze Betty, with whom he has shared 34 years of marriage and raised 10 children. Together, they serve as leaders of men and women at the sub-county level in their hometown.  According to Pastor Fred, their selection for this position is a great honor and a testament to God's grace.

Despite his commitment to ministry, Pastor Fred faces challenges within his congregation, including conflicts with fellow pastors in the village and defiant congregants who seek to take over his position and constantly question his leadership style. After attending a conference organized by the Rural Pastors Institute in his village, a deep desire within Pastor Fred was sparked. Pastor Fred craved further training, particularly in pastoral work, leadership, Bible teaching, and family affairs.

His wife also emphasizes the importance of Pastor Fred's training as a husband and father, recounting that these are areas in which he has struggled. Furthermore, his lack of employment leaves him without the means to afford the type of training that is offered at the Rural Pastors Institute. By investing in Pastor Fred’s training at the RPI, you will help him further overcome his personal and pastoral challenges and contribute to his development. Your sponsorship makes a significant difference in the lives of men like Pastor Fred, allowing them to receive solid biblical teaching, family discipleship training, and leadership skills.

Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at Rural Pastors International.