Pastor Charles Mbago - Sponsor Now

Pastor Charles Mbago

Biggest Need

Program Year One Pastoral Training

Location Buvuma Island

Pastor Charles’ remarkable journey began within a liturgical Anglican faith, but soon he found himself leaving the Anglican tradition. With unwavering support from his mentor, he took the courageous step of founding his own church, braving threats from village witches who once celebrated their perceived power when they boasted of causing lightning storms over him.  Remarkably, through persistence and understanding, he has even forged friendships with those who once sought his harm, patiently awaiting the day they might embrace faith in Jesus Christ.

However, Pastor Charles’ journey hasn't been without trials. One particularly dark moment came when he returned from a week of ministry to find his home shattered by his wife's sudden departure, leaving him devastated and on the brink of abandoning his calling.  Yet, through the grace of God and the support of about ten caring individuals, Pastor Charles found the strength to persevere. As he’s trusted God and remained faithful, he has found love again. He’s now married to Chelsea, and they’ve walked steadfastly side-by-side for eight years.

After 27 years of pastoral service, Pastor Charles stands at a pivotal moment in his ministry. He leads a vibrant congregation on Buvuma Island and has planted nine other churches. Yet, he humbly acknowledges his need for further training, recognizing that many of his sermons have relied more on personal experience than on the solid foundation of Biblical truth.

As a fisherman and a farmer, Pastor Charles could never afford the type of education and training that the Rural Pastors Institute offers. By investing in his training at the RPI, you will empower Pastor Charles to shepherd his flock with greater depth and wisdom, ensuring that the communities he serves are discipled foundationally in God's Word. Your sponsorship makes a significant difference in the lives of men like Pastor Charles, allowing them to receive solid biblical teaching and valuable leadership skills.

Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at Rural Pastors International.