Pastor Mesach Bateganya - Sponsor Now

Pastor Mesach Bateganya

Biggest Need

Program Year One Pastoral Training

Location Kalogoyi, Buyende

Pastor Mesach is resilient. He emerged from the depths of a broken home, navigating countless trials until finding solace in the Lord’s comforting embrace. In 2018, he answered the divine call to pastoral ministry, stepping into a role filled with challenges and blessings.

Among Pastor Mesach's trials is the ongoing strife among pastors in his village, a disheartening reality as they engage in relentless battles for congregants and seek to lure many away from his church. Despite these discouragements, Pastor Mesach remains steadfast in his commitment and calling. With six years of pastoral service under his belt, he has an unwavering dedication to shepherding his church in Kalogoyi, Buyende.

Pastor Mesach acknowledges his limited exposure to seasoned mentors throughout his ministry. The discovery of the Rural Pastors Institute presents him with mentorship possibilities. Furthermore, he desires to lead people in the right direction, all while surrounding himself with positive influences. In his own words, "A trained person is not the same as one who lacks training." Pastor Mesach yearns to expand, be equipped, and grow, not just for personal edification, but to pass knowledge and wisdom on to others as well. He wrestles with the challenge of interpreting scripture effectively, yet he sees hope in hermeneutics (the study of the Bible).

Pastor Mesach and Bilungi Sarah have been married for five years and are blessed with four beautiful children. His modest income in the retail business hinders him from providing for his family and pursuing further training, leaving little room for developmental growth. On his own, Pastor Mesach could never afford the type of training that the Rural Pastors Institute offers. Nonetheless, his heart desires to serve his flock with excellence.  Your sponsorship makes a significant difference in the lives of men like Pastor Mesach, allowing them to receive solid biblical teaching and leadership skills.

Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at the Rural Pastors International.