Pastor Richard Mugabi - Sponsor Now

Pastor Richard Mugabi

Biggest Need

Program Year One Pastoral Training

Location Buyende District

Pastor Richard was introduced to a restrictive belief system by his biological father. He found himself confined within a faith that forbade such things as dancing or playing soccer and imposed numerous laws regulating even his manner of walking. It became evident that he was ensnared in what could only be described as a cult. Desiring liberation from this spiritual confinement, he sought freedom, and in 2010, God graciously led him to truth.

He has served in the pastorate in the Buyende District for four years and has been married to Nazziwa Ruth for eight years. Together, they have been blessed with four children. He steadfastly remains committed to his family and his calling.

With a meager annual income of $300 from peasant farming, he struggles to make ends meet, let alone afford formal education or training. Furthermore, his limited educational background does not qualify him for enrolment in many Bible school programs. Pastor Richard recognizes the need for guidance and instruction and yearns for the opportunity to grow in knowledge and wisdom, particularly in shepherding those under his care. Despite his pastoral title and role, he humbly acknowledges a significant gap in biblical knowledge and understanding.

As a peasant farmer, Pastor Charles could never afford the type of education and training that the Rural Pastors Institute offers. By investing in his training at the RPI, you empower Pastor Richard to shepherd his flock with both dignity and a greater depth of wisdom and further ensuring that the communities he serves are discipled foundationally in God's Word. Your sponsorship is significant in the lives of men like Pastor Richard, allowing them to receive solid biblical teaching and valuable leadership skills. Your support is so much more than money; it is transformative.

Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at the Rural Pastors International.