Pastor Simon Peter Wabwire - Sponsor Now

Pastor Simon Peter Wabwire

Biggest Need

Program Vocational/Discipleship

Location Unknown

Pastor Simon, 59, came to the faith in 1991 and has been in the pastoral ministry since 1994. He is the father of eight children and has been married to his wife, Gertrude, for 40 years.
Ps. Simon’s greatest passion has been winning people to Christ. Ps. Simon is very influential and many of the men he has reached for Christ have gone on to be pastors, as well.
Ps. Simon’s greatest regret has been the many scandals and false teachings he has fallen prey to due to his lack of a deep Bible understanding.  A biblical foundation is something he looks forward to attaining during his training with RPI.

Your sponsorship is enabling men like Pastor Simon to receive a solid biblical foundation and valuable leadership skills.

Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at Rural Pastors International.