Pastor Charles Kazibwe - Sponsor Now

Pastor Charles Kazibwe

Biggest Need

Place Kabugudho Village

Program Year One Pastoral Training

Pastor Kazibwe has faithfully served for 12 years at his church in Kabugudho since assuming leadership from his predecessor. He attributes his enduring ministry to the unwavering support of his wife, Nangobi Oliver, who has stood by his side throughout. Together, they have been blessed with four children.

Despite his years of service, Pastor Kazibwe grapples with the weight of his congregants' expectations, feeling inadequate to address their physical and spiritual needs. He humbly acknowledges a deficiency in his knowledge of scripture, a challenge that has persisted throughout his tenure as pastor.  When Pastor Charles discovered the Rural Pastors Institute, he found renewed hope. He eagerly embraces this opportunity to receive training in scripture interpretation.

As a retailer, Pastor Charles could never afford this type of education and training. His earnings from a modest retail clothing business amount to only $685 annually. Your support is crucial in enabling him to embark on this transformative journey of spiritual growth and biblical learning.  By extending your support to him, you are not just providing financial assistance but also enabling him to pursue God’s calling in his life. Your sponsorship is making a significant difference in the lives of men like Pastor Charles, allowing them to receive a solid biblical foundation and valuable leadership skills.

Thank you for being a Pastoral Sponsor at Rural Pastors International.